The present church building was completed in 1870, however a church has stood on the same spot for 900 years. And even before this we have evidence to suggest a stone preaching cross may have been present.
In 2020 we celebrated 900 years of the first stone church being built, you can see all the details and a fascinating 900+ year timeline here.

The church is the home of some beautiful stained glass windows including the work of Charles Kempe, who was of Munich, designer to the Royal Court of Bavaria.a famous glass designer of the 19th century, as well as that of J B Capronnier of Belgium, F X Zettler.
There is also an important mural by the artist Reginald E Frampton, one of only a handful of surviving church murals by him. Restoration work has been completed to preserve this art for future generations.
We are also very pleased that we have several original pieces of church furniture by Robert Thompson, the Mouseman.

For more details Kath O’Shea has written a booklet about the history of the church, a copy of which can be obtained from us for a modest fee.