We could not fulfil our vision, without the generosity of so many people who provide their time, talents and financial support to the life and ministry of St Peter’s Church.
If you would like to make a one off donation this can be via PayPal or Bank transfer, as detailed below.
Easy Fundraising
Did you know there are over 6,000 outlets which will make a FREE donation to our Church ranging from 0.5% to 5%, or more? Examples may include ladies or gents fashion, electrical, home or garden, tools, car or home insurance, holidays, or many others (even a takeaway via Just Eat) while you shop online.
All that is needed is for you to become a member of ‘EasyFundraising’ – which is free. Click this link, or download the EasyFundraising app from Apple or Google https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/stpetersbirstall/

Having joined EasyFundraising, you can download the ‘Donation Reminder’ which is added to your browser. When online shopping it will highlight those sites where a donation is available and act as a reminder by automatically alerting you, so if you do make a purchase you merely have to click on ‘get donation’ at the checkout.
Click the pink button, then continue shopping. That’s it! St Peter’s will get a free donation, at no cost to you.
And for peace of mind, EasyFundraising is a member of the Chartered Institute of Fundraising so you know that it’s all managed properly and there’s no risk to you.
We have a Paypal account which allows you to donate by debit or credit card, or from your own Paypal account (if you have one).
Bank transfer
If you can make a bank transfer our details are:
Bank: Barclays
Account name: Parochial Church Council of Birstall Parish Church
Account number: 50178233
Sort code: 20-26-08
Regular giving
Regular giving helps us to plan our mission and ministry. If you would like to support our Church by giving regularly please download the standing order form (PDF, 57KB) and forward it direct to your bank, quoting your surname as reference.
Gift Aid
If you can Gift Aid your donations, whether as a one off donation, or a regular donation, provided you pay income tax and/or capital gains tax equal to, or more than, the tax being reclaimed, please complete the Declaration Form (PDF, 139KB) and email it to our treasurer at treasurer@stpetersbirstall.co.uk or send it to the PCC of Birstall Parish Church, c/o 236 Woodlands Road, Upper Batley WF17 0QW.
This will enable us to reclaim the tax, at no extra cost to you, for example, if you donate £10, with Gift Aid, your donation would become £12.50.
If you would like more information about giving please contact our treasurer.