The congregations at St Peter’s Church are made up from a diversity of people: young and old, confident and enquiring. We aim to make everyone welcome as we discover how we can better worship God.
Our Mission Statement (adopted in 1995) expresses this way:
St Peter’s Church is a fellowship committed to Christ, empowered by the Holy Spirit in love and prayer whose aim is to encourage and support each other in our worship, witness, and service of God in the community.
Our Church Vision (2007) says this:
We envision a healthy, growing church
- where the focus of its members is their love for Jesus and they are devoted to spending time in his presence filled with, and empowered by, his Spirit.
- where the joy of its members is recognised as they gather together to worship and live out their faith day by day.
- where the commitment of its members is seen as they spend time with others to learn together, share together, encourage each other, bear each others burdens and enjoy each others company so that each may not just grow but flourish.
- where the passion of its members is to impact the community and the world with the kingdom of God through love, healing and justice, bringing physical, emotional and spiritual wholeness to those in need.
- where the generosity of its members makes possible the whole mission of the church: pastoral, social, evangelistic and ecumenical.