St Peters is part of Churches Together in Birstall (CTiB) which exists to promote unity between the Christian Churches in Birstall and to join together in mission projects. It is part of Churches Together in England.
Churches Together in Birstall Events
Throughout the year there has grown up a tradition of various events including a Unity Service during, or near, to the world-wide Week of Prayer for Christian Unity; Good Friday Walk of Witness; Events for Christian Aid Week; sponsorship and hosting of the annual Birstall Festival of Music (to which the local schools send choirs as a celebration of musical talents and gifts); and Carol Singing at the Birstall Retail Park on the Saturday before Christmas.
The Fraternal (the ministers of the churches) are also responsible for organising the Act of Remembrance and Two Minutes Silence at 11am on Armistice Day (11th November) in Birstall Market Place and, in conjunction with the Royal British Legion, the Remembrance Sunday Service, which takes place at St Peters Church, which is followed directly afterwards by the Act of Remembrance around the War Memorial which stands in the graveyard.
Churches Together in Birstall Members
Each year a representative of one of the churches becomes the Chair and, among other things chooses and promotes a charity of their own choice to which collections and the proceeds of CTiB fund-raising events go.
The other member churches are:
- St Saviour’s Church, Brownhill (C of E)
- St Patrick’s Church (RC)
- Salem Congregational Church
- Birstall Methodist Church (incorporating Howden Clough Methodist)