Creation: Life

A single blush pink rose, with green foliage and other flowers blurred in the background

Join us for the last in a series of evenings looking at the wonder of creation. This event is looking at life itself. Expect to watch a short film, participate in some fantastic chat, and enjoy some shared food.

Everyone is welcome, although children must be accompanied. Please bring something to eat, and some food to share. For more details contact

“God saw that the world was good”

  1. 1st September 2024: Coasts
  2. 15th September 2024: Sky
  3. 29th September 2024: Trees
  4. 13th September 2024: Life
St Saviours, Brownhill
Church Road, Brownhill - Birstall, Batley
200 m
500 ft

Date(s) - 13/10/2024
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

St Saviours, Brownhill
