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Dear friend,

Welcome to the October newsletter from St Peter's Church. In this newsletter you'll see the dates and times of our services this month, and details about what else we're up to as a church family.
Hi Everyone

It is definitely autumn, the air is getting crisp and cool, the leaves are beginning to turn and fall, the fruit on the trees is ready to harvest and in church, plans for Harvest, Remembrance, Advent and Christmas are well underway. As well as all these changes round about us, there’s also noticeable change this year in personal circumstances for a lot of us. Many of us are tightening our belts, counting the pennies a little more than we would have in previous years, and trying to hold out without putting the heating on for a little bit longer.

This month, as we give thanks for the harvest, I want to encourage us to all to pull together through what is likely to be a tough time for many. It’s at times like this when we need to look out for each other and share what we have. Consider inviting someone round for a meal, consider giving a little extra to charities who are supporting those who are more vulnerable, consider what resources we may have to share and who might need them. As well as encouraging us all to be aware of other and generous, I also want to acknowledge that people reading this might be the ones in need. If you are struggling, please don’t suffer in silence. Please speak to us and let us help you.

One of the most beautiful things about the church down the ages is our ability to make a difference. Schools, healthcare for all, and foodbanks were all things that originated with the church. Sharing the love of God in word and action is part of our DNA. So as we embrace the beauty of autumn let’s also embrace our call to love and to serve one another.


Making a difference

At a time when so many people are feeling the bite of rising costs it’s important that we respond as a church in prayer and action.

This weekend (2nd October) is our harvest appeal where we will be collecting non-perishable food items to donate to people in need and to our local foodbanks. I would encourage you to continue to donate to local foodbanks on a regular basis if you are able as I suspect there may be many more families who need to use them.

We are also collecting winter coats and shoes to donate to St Peter’s School for them to hand out to any families in need. If you are able to buy a winter coat or a pair of shoes for a primary school child, please speak to Alison or Jess who will be happy to pass on your donation.

As a church we are going to be looking over the next couple of weeks about what else we can offer locally and whether it may be helpful for us to open the church for extended periods. To be able to facilitate this, we will need volunteers. If you have availability during the week in the daytime to staff the building, welcome visitors, make drinks, or to chat to people, please could you speak to Jess or Leif as soon as possible.

Thinking of those in need further afield, we will be acting as a collection point for Operation Christmas child again this year. The project collects shoeboxes filled with toys, school supplies and hygiene items to give to children in need around the world, particularly those in areas which are the hardest hit by war or poverty. If you would like to get involved, please speak to Leif.

Need help?

Please do speak to Jess or a member of the pastoral care team if you are struggling and need help. If we can’t help, we may be able to sign post you to people who can.

For those who are worried about putting the heating on, look out for the “warm spaces” initiative. Lots of schools, libraries, churches, and other public buildings are opening their doors for extended hours as places for people to come and spend time in the warm.

Kirklees council also have a dedicated page which details some of the support available locally: Keeping your house warm


For those who haven’t been in church recently, you may not be aware of the recent changes to the way that we do communion. The alter rail has returned and we are now sharing the cup again. If you do not feel comfortable sharing the cup, there is an option to either receive the wafer only or to have the wafer dipped in the wine. Please don’t dip the wafer into the wine yourself as this is now considered to pose a greater risk to health. Instead, when you are about to receive the wafer, indicate to Jess or the person administering the wafer that you would like it to be dipped for you.

Home groups

Due to the death of her late majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, the commencement of our home groups was unavoidably delayed. We are still intending to get them going again at the earliest possible opportunity. Thank you for your patience. If you didn’t sign up, don’t worry, you haven’t missed out. Send Jess an email and we’ll include you in the plans.

All Souls service

Our annual All Souls service will be being held on 2nd November this year. We will be automatically inviting everyone who has lost a loved one in the last 12 months, however, if you would like your loved one to be remembered at this service please speak to Wendy.

For your diary

We hope that you can join us each Sunday in church for our 10:30AM contemporary service (with an additional 9AM traditional service on the first Sunday of the month), with the Revd Jess.

Some of our less mobile members find it difficult to get to church on their own. If anyone can help with offers of lifts, or if you would like a lift, please let Jess, Leif or Wendy know and they will do their best to coordinate.

Details for all of these events and services are available on our website.
  • Sunday 2nd October
    • 9am Harvest Service - Quiet Communion
    • 10:30am – Harvest Service – Service of the Word with special guests,
      St Peter’s School Choir
  • Wednesday 7th October: 10am – Midweek Communion
  • Thursday 8th October: 1pm – 3pm – St Peter’s Playtime
  • Sunday 9th October: 10:30am – Family Communion with Sunday School
  • Wednesday 12th October: 10am – Midweek Communion
  • Thursday 13th October: 1pm – 3pm – St Peter’s Playtime
  • Sunday 16th October: 10:30am – Family Communion with Sunday School
  • Wednesday 19th October: 10am – Midweek Communion
  • Thursday 20th October: 1pm – 3pm – St Peter’s Playtime
  • Sunday 23rd October: 10:30am – Family Communion with Sunday School
  • Wednesday 26th October: 10am – Midweek Service of the Word
  • Sunday 30th October: 10:30am – Service of the Word with Sunday School
Prayer Ministry Team members will be available every Sunday to pray with anyone should the need arise. If you aren't in church for the Sunday service but would like prayer, please contact us - the Holy Spirit can cope with a telephone call. Please don't worry or suffer alone.

Prayer for October

Loving God,

Thank you for your love and kindness.
You are a God of mercy, justice, and compassion,
and yet we acknowledge that these qualities are not always reflected
in our lives, in our community, and in our society.
Help us to respond to suffering, poverty, and hunger
in ways that usher in your kingdom:
to see people as you see them,
to share your loving-kindness in the darkest situations,
to challenge injustices that trap people in poverty,
to build a future that sets people free,
so that everyone can share in the fullness of life,
that Christ offers to us all.


Prayer from the Trussel Trust.

And finally

If you need support in any way - prayer, or practical help - please contact us on our special email address:

We hope you enjoyed this newsletter. If you have suggestions for things we can put in it please do get in touch.
Thanks for reading. God bless you all.

St Peter's Church, Birstall
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