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Hi friend!

So much has happened since our last newsletter; the Coronation, Eurovision, Ascension Day, Pentecost, and probably a few sporting events that I am absolutely clueless about! A few things are beginning to change around church too.

Hopefully you have noticed that we now have some rolling notices on the screen before and after the services and that you are finding that useful. In the next few weeks, the noticeboards will be being updated with a clearer purpose so that you can easily find the information that you need.

Once that is complete there will also be working on our communications through social media to make it clearer what is happening in church and how to get involved. All of this is about communicating more effectively to those inside and outside the church so that we can function well as a family and so that we can be better at welcoming others.

We are also continuing to develop and refine our worship services. In the coming months, the focus will be on honing and refining the style of our more contemporary worship service so you might notice one or two changes as we work on the format. We always want our worship to be the best it can be so that we can bring glory to God and draw close to Him.

Those are just the tip of the iceberg, there is so much more going on. Here’s just a few bits and pieces that might be of interest this month…

Open the Book

Open the Book is a brilliant initiative by the Bible Society which is all about sharing Bible Stories in schools. From September are hoping to put together a team who will go into St Peter’s School once a month on a Thursday from 1pm – 2pm to deliver a Bible Story. Could you be part of the team? No experience necessary, full training will be given. Speak to Jess if you think you might like to get involved.

For more information about how it works, follow this link.

Please note that all roles working with children and young people are subject to safer recruitment processes and a DBS check.

Youth work

From September we are planning to set up a youth group on a Sunday evening for 11–17-year-olds (term time only). There will be a chance to socialise, to have fun, and to think about faith together in a relaxed way.

To make this possible, we are looking for a couple of volunteers who would be willing to come and help out. If you think this is something you would be interested in, please speak to Jess.

Please note that all roles working with children and young people are subject to safer recruitment processes and a DBS check.

Church Woods

The Church Woods team have been working alongside the woodland trust to restore the woods with native species. There are two working days planned on 3rd June and 21st September to do some of this work. If you would like to join them, please speak to Andy Rhodes for more information.

There is also a chance to become a Wood Elf. These are people who are happy to be called on when there are specific tasks that need tackling between the work days. If this is something that you would be happy to do, please let Andy know.

Band concert

We are absolutely thrilled to have the Musica Youth Band and their guests will us again this year. This is a fantastic evening of music. It is a great way to spend time together socially whilst raising funds for church.

This year’s concert is on Friday 23rd June at 7pm (doors open at 6:30pm). Tickets can be purchased from Denise for £8 each (£5 for under 8’s). Drinks are included in the ticket price and there will be a chance to buy raffle tickets for a chance to win some great prizes.

Summer Fayre

Our Summer Fayre this year is on Saturday 1st July. We are looking for volunteers to help out on the day and for people to donate items for stalls and for prizes. If you think that you can help out, please speak to Leif or Denise.


PCC are meeting on Monday 5th June. One of the big items we will be discussing is our social media presence as well as our website and Church Near You page. If you have any feedback or thoughts on this subject - What is working? What could be better? Please let a member of the PCC know before the meeting.

Getting in touch

Jess Davis (priest-in-charge)
Phone / Text / WhatsApp – 07949226508
(when Jess is on annual leave, the wardens are the first point of contact)

Miles Lawson and Andy Rhodes (Churchwardens)

And finally

If you need support in any way - prayer, or practical help - please contact us on our special email address:

We hope you enjoyed this newsletter. If you have suggestions for things we can put in it please do get in touch.
Thanks for reading. God bless you all.

St Peter's Church, Birstall
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