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Dear friend,

Welcome to the November newsletter from St Peter's Church. In this newsletter you'll see the dates and times of our services in November and beyond, and details about what else we're up to as a church family.

Autumn is here

I can’t believe that it is already time for the next newsletter. Over the next month there is a lot going on. There are a few changes to some of our regular services, the return of some of our services that we have not been able to hold for a little while and a few seasonal bits and pieces to throw into the mix. It’s an exciting time to be part of church and I do hope that you will be able to join us for our services and events.

I realise that it’s been another tough year for many of us and lots of us are carrying heavy burdens at the moment. I recognise that not always easily available to you after service on a Sunday morning but, if you would like to chat to me either in person or by phone, please do let me or the wardens know, and I will arrange to visit you or give you a call. My number is 07949226508 and my email address is

With love



Hopefully you’ve already heard about our innovative plans for Sunday worship. Just in case youhaven’t, we’re trying something a little bit different to recognise and enable the different worshipping traditions within the church whilst all staying together as one family.

For the next 21 weeks we are going to try an alternating pattern of traditional and contemporary worship. At the end of the 21-week trial, we will have a review that everyone is invited to take part in. Together we will decide whether to make the new pattern permanent or to move to a different model of worship.

In order to make the review meaningful, as much as possible, we need everyone to take part in both styles of service rather than just taking part in the ones that are our preference. I recognise that this is a big ask for all of us, but I also believe that this could be a potential solution for us or at the very least help to clarify our thoughts about the way ahead.


We are due to review our current restrictions later this month. Obviously, it is concerning thatthe numbers of infections nationally are rising again, and we are all being asked to do our bit to reduce the spread. In church, under our current restrictions, this means that we ask you to wear face covering when moving around the church if you are able to (you may remove it when seated), we also ask you to try to maintain social distance as much as possible and to use the hand sanitiser or wash your hands regularly.

Remembrance Sunday

As usual, Churches Together in Birstall will be having our usual Remembrance Sundayafternoon service at 2pm on 14th November. There will be a few small differences this year to facilitate some of the logistics around the event and to include more of the Birstall Churches in the event.

As usual we will begin outside the library and parade to a church for the main service. This year the main service will be held at St Patrick’s Church with contributions from all the local ministers and the uniformed groups. The parade will then continue to St Peter’s where we will meet at the cenotaph to lay wreaths and have our act of remembrance. After the act of remembrance, we will gather at St Peter’s for refreshments.

It has been mentioned to me that some people may struggle with walking from St Patrick’s church to St Peter’s church. If that is the case for you, please can you let us know as soon as possible so that we can make alternative arrangements for you.

Wednesday midweek service

I am pleased to announce the return of our Wednesday midweek morning communion servicefrom 17th November. During these services we will be journeying through the letters of the New Testament. If you can’t make the service but would like a recording of the sermon, please do let me or Leif or Wendy know, and we will make sure that you get a copy.

Christmas is coming

Christmas Fayre

Our Christmas Fayre will be held on Saturday 20th November from 11am - 2pm. There will bestalls with plenty of bargains just in time for Christmas and I have a reliable source who tells me that there will be a very special visitor too… Ho, Ho, Ho!


We are delighted to be able to hold our Christingle service again this year on 28th November. There is a chance that we may need to ask people to book in advance for this popular service so please keep an eye on the website and an ear out in the notices for more information closer to the time.

Fundraise for St Peter’s while shopping online

You may recall in the November and December 2020 issues of ‘St Peter’s Church Newsletters’ we introduced the concept of promoting our Church when shopping online. Don’t we all love a bargain? What about something for nothing? That is precisely what we could achieve for our Church.

Do you, or your children, your grandchildren, other family members or your friends shop online?

If so, there are over 6,000 outlets which will make a FREE donation to our Church ranging from 0.5% to 5%, or more. Examples may include ladies or gents fashion, electrical, home or garden, tools, car or home insurance, holidays, or many others (even a takeaway via Just Eat).

All that is needed is to become a member of ‘EasyFundraising’ - which is free. Click this link, or download the EasyFundraising app from Apple or Google

Having joined EasyFundraising, the simplest way to operate it is to download the ‘Donation Reminder’ which is added to your browser. When online shopping it will highlight those sites where a donation is available and act as a reminder by automatically alerting you, so if you do make a purchase you merely have to click on ‘get donation’ at the checkout.

The 'Donation Reminder' looks like this when you visit a site which will give us a donation:
Click the pink button, then continue shopping. That's it! St Peter's will get a free donation, at no cost to you.

This is a really easy way to help raise some much-needed funds for church, but we know that technology doesn't always behave itself. If you would like help to do this please email and we'll try to help you. We've also added all this information to the church website 'Donate' page.

And for peace of mind, EasyFundraising is a member of the Chartered Institute of Fundraising so you know that it's all managed properly and there's no risk to you.

Coming next month…

There are lots of Advent and Christmas activities coming up next month including a weekly Advent Reflections Group, Carol Singing, Carols by Candlelight, Crib Service, Midnight Communion on Christmas Eve and of course the big day itself. Do keep an eye on the website and an ear out in the notices for more details

What's on in November and beyond

We hope that you can join us each Sunday in church for our 10AM service, with the Revd Jess.

Some of our less mobile members find it difficult to get to church on their own. If anyone can help with offers of lifts, or if you would like a lift, please let Leif or Wendy know and they will do their best to coordinate.
Prayer Ministry Team members will be available every Sunday to pray with anyone should the need arise. If you aren't in church for the Sunday service but would like prayer, please contact us - the Holy Spirit can cope with a telephone call. Please don't worry or suffer alone.

Prayer for November

This prayer is from CAFOD, and is specifically for the COP26 climate conference currently happening in Glasgow.

Loving God,
We praise your name with all you have created.
You are present in the whole universe,
and in the smallest of creatures.
We acknowledge the responsibilities you have placed upon us
as stewards of your creation.
May the Holy Spirit inspire all political leaders at COP26 as they
seek to embrace the changes needed to foster a more sustainable society.
Instil in them the courage and gentleness to implement fairer solutions
for the poorest and most vulnerable,
and commit their nations to the care of Our Common Home.
We ask this through Our Lord Jesus Christ your Son.

And finally

If you need support in any way - prayer, or practical help - please contact us on our special email address:

We hope you enjoyed this newsletter. If you have suggestions for things we can put in it please do get in touch.
Thanks for reading. God bless you all.

St Peter's Church, Birstall