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Dear friend,

Welcome to the March newsletter from St Peter's Church. In this newsletter you'll see the dates and times of our services in March and beyond, and details about what else we're up to as a church family.
Hi Everyone,

I must confess that this Newsletter has been really hard to write this month. What do you say in the face of such horrific world events? As I write this the violence and attacks are escalating. Each day I pray that tomorrow will bring peace but each day I fear that tomorrow will bring more war. Sitting at my desk, I confess that I feel helpless. But there are things that we can do.

Firstly, we can pray. With words like “thoughts and prayers” banded about at the drop of a hat by believers and non-believers alike, it can feel like prayer is just another word for wishing others well. But prayer has power. No-one can ever claim to fully understand how prayer works but we know that Jesus told us to persist in prayer. He himself prayed and told us that some things require us to pray and to fast to see change. Our prayers really do make a difference, so if we do nothing else, let’s commit ourselves to prayer.

Secondly, we can give. I know that we will all have different levels of resources, and I would never ask anyone to give more than they can but there are all sorts of ways to give. We can give financially and there are lots of opportunities to do that both in church and through a wide variety of charities. We can also give specific items. Just this week I have seen various coordinated efforts across the country to give basic essentials for adults, children, babies and animals that have been displaced by the war.

Finally, we can speak out. We can contact our MP, asking her what the UK response is to these thousands of displaced people, and we can say what we want our government to do. Our voices might seem small but lots of small voices can make a big difference.
When we feel fearful of tomorrow let’s push our faith into overdrive by beginning with the things that we can do and believing in God for the things that we can’t do.

With love

Wooden childrens toys

Sunday School

Our new look Sunday School is relaunching this month. It takes place during the service. Parents, if you have not yet filled in a form for your child(ren), please see Sue Lawson who will be pleased to help you. The children’s table will be available at the beginning and end of the service in the South Aisle (opposite side of church to where you come in) and will also be available for the whole service in the school holidays when Sunday school is not on.
Bowl of soup with bread

Meet and Eat

After Easter we will be launching Meet and Eat to replace Bridge. This is a social group during the week where a light lunch will also be available. We are beginning to think about what the group might look like. Watch this space for more information coming up next month.

The Pastoral Principles and Living in Love and Faith

We’re now official halfway through our course. We’ve looked at what is known as the “Pastoral Principles” and we’re about to commence the study materials looking at Faith and Sexuality (LLF). There is still opportunity to join us if you missed the start of the course. Our current groups start looking at the LLF material on the following dates:

  • Group 2 - Wednesday 9th March – 7pm – Zoom (contact Jess for the code)
  • Group 3 - Monday 14th March – 10:30am – in church
  • Group 1 - Wednesday 16th March – 11am – in church
Feel free to join us. If you want to catch up on the Pastoral Principles material get in touch with Jess and she can send it to your electronically (

Annual Parochial Church Meeting

Our annual meeting is coming up. It is currently planned for 3rd April after the service (although please do keep an eye out for any potential changes to this date). If you are not on the electoral role, please ask for a form as this will enable you to have a vote at the meeting and to stand for election at a future APCM.

A big thank you to the PCC and churchwardens who have been working hard behind the scenes in all sorts of areas of church life. A very special thank you to Denise who has done an incredible job as churchwarden but is standing down at this year’s meeting.

If you think you could offer your services as a churchwarden alongside Miles, please do come and have a conversation with Miles, Denise or Raymond who can give you more information about what the role entails. Here are a couple of links to videos from other dioceses which might help you as you prayerfully consider the role:

We will also have some vacancies on PCC and Deanery Synod this time. Please speak to Jess, Miles or Denise if you would like to know more about these roles. Election forms will be available in the next couple of weeks. Please note, you may only be nominated to election for a role once you have been on the electoral role for a minimum of 6 months.

For your diary

We hope that you can join us each Sunday in church for our 10AM service, with the Revd Jess.

Some of our less mobile members find it difficult to get to church on their own. If anyone can help with offers of lifts, or if you would like a lift, please let Leif or Wendy know and they will do their best to coordinate.

Details for all of these events and services are available on our website.
  • Wednesday 9th March – 10am - Midweek Communion
  • Wednesday 9th March – 11am – Living in Love and Faith Group 1
  • Wednesday 9th March – 7pm – Living in Love and Faith Group 2 (Zoom)
  • Thursday 10th March – 1pm - St Peter’s Playtime
  • Sunday 13th March – 10am - Contemporary Worship with Holy Communion
  • Monday 14th March – 10.30am – Living in Love and Faith Group 3
  • Wednesday 16th March – 10am – Midweek Communion
  • Wednesday 16th March – 11am – Living in Love and Faith Group 1
  • Wednesday 16th March – 7pm – Living in Love and Faith Group 2 (Zoom)
  • Thursday 17th March – 1pm - St Peter’s Playtime
  • Sunday 20th March – 10am - Traditional Worship with Holy Communion
  • Monday 21st March – 10.30am – Living in Love and Faith Group 3
  • Wednesday 23rd March – 10am – No service this week
  • Wednesday 23rd March – 11am – Living in Love and Faith Group 1
  • Wednesday 23rd March – 7pm – Living in Love and Faith Group 2 (Zoom)
  • Thursday 24th March – 1pm - St Peter’s Playtime
  • Sunday 27th March – 10am - Contemporary Worship with Holy Communion
  • Monday 28th March - 10.30am – Living in Love and Faith Group 3
  • Wednesday 30th March – 10am – Midweek Communion
  • Wednesday 30th March – 11am – Living in Love and Faith Group 1
  • Wednesday 30th March – 7pm – Living in Love and Faith Group 2 (Zoom)
  • Thursday 31st March – 1pm - St Peter’s Playtime
Prayer Ministry Team members will be available every Sunday to pray with anyone should the need arise. If you aren't in church for the Sunday service but would like prayer, please contact us - the Holy Spirit can cope with a telephone call. Please don't worry or suffer alone.

Prayer for March: Ukraine

God of peace and justice,
we pray for the people of Ukraine today.
We pray for peace and the laying down of weapons.
We pray for all those who fear for tomorrow,
that your Spirit of comfort would draw near to them.
We pray for those with power over war or peace,
for wisdom, discernment and compassion to guide their decisions.
Above all, we pray for all your precious children, at risk and in fear,
that you would hold and protect them.
We pray in the name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace.

This month's prayer was written by Archbishop Justin Welby and Archbishop Stephen Cottrell

And finally

If you need support in any way - prayer, or practical help - please contact us on our special email address:

We hope you enjoyed this newsletter. If you have suggestions for things we can put in it please do get in touch.
Thanks for reading. God bless you all.

St Peter's Church, Birstall
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