Welcome to the July newsletter from St Peter's Church. In this newsletter you'll see the dates and times of our services in July, and details about what else we're up to as a church family.
Meet Jess Davis, our new priest
The last year has brought us all a huge amount of change. Apart from the obvious pandemic-related upheaval, in September 2020 St Peter's also waved goodbye to our vicar of 23 years, Paul Knight, who has retired to Wales for a well-deserved break.
As you know, we've been advertising for a new priest - and we're very pleased to announce that the post has been offered to (and accepted by!) Jess Davis, who comes to us from the inner city parish of Brunswick in Manchester. You can learn a bit about Jess in this video.
Jess will be visiting us when she can over the summer, and hopes to be moved into the vicarage by the end of August in time for her two children to start school in September.
Greetings from Rev David Cook
We have also received a message for Jess from David Cook, who some may remember as vicar of St Peter's from 1980 - 1983.
Best wishes to Jess Davis as she prepares to take up new responsibilities at St Peter`s Birstall. I remember St Peter's from my days as Vicar (1980 to 1983) but I doubt many, if any, will remember me. .... the last occupant of the old Vicarage with all its draughts and mice!!
I am now retired in Guisborough but would love to hear from anyone who is still around from all those years ago.
If anyone would like to get in touch with David please ask us and we'll pass his contact details on to you.
Ordinations of our new Deacons and Priests taking place across the Diocese of Leeds at the end of June and the beginning of July.
The Bishop of Leeds, the Rt Revd Nick Baines will conduct two services at Ripon Cathedral on Saturday, July 3 at 11am and 3pm where twenty one Deacons will be ordained. Each of the services will be live streamed from the Cathedral's website.
Among them will be Emily Tidball (nee Knight), who will be serving in the parish of St Peter’s, Morley. Also Diane Komorowski who was a Reader at St Saviour’s.
Please pray for Emily and Diane and all the newly ordained priests and deacons.
Roof repairs
As you may have noticed, the scaffolding has been taken away on both the North and South sides and the work is fully completed. The old lead has been replaced with stainless steel (less risk of being stolen) and the roofing slabs and supporting timbers, felting and capping's have either been replaced or reused where possible. There is a collage in the fellowship area with some ‘before and after’ photographs.
In fact, under the Architects instructions and as agreed by the Steering Committee, some additional work was carried out on the ‘cover and soaker flashings’ to the inner roof slopes not originally budgeted for. Despite this the work was completed within the original budget. Hopefully this brings to an end this part of the roofing project which started back in January 2019, following the theft of lead.
The total cost, after recovery of VAT is nearly £70,000 and we wish to thank all those who have made donations towards this.
We did have one incident were Denise was called out with police in attendance after someone was seen on one of the temporary CCTV cameras up on the roof, obviously up to no good. It would be ideal if we could have the roof permanently alarmed, but that is a thought for another day!
What's on in July
There will be two communion services in July. Lesley Mattacks will be with us on the 18th, and Archdeacon Anne is coming on the 25th.
Our full online service have now stopped, and we hope to see you in church on Sunday mornings at 10AM. However, if you cannot be with us, there will be a short message from the church on Facebook and YouTube each Sunday morning.
Some of our less mobile members find it difficult to get to church on their own. If anyone can help with offers of lifts, or if you would like a lift, please let Leif or Wendy know and they will do their best to coordinate.
Prayer Ministry Team members will be available every Sunday to pray with anyone should the need arise. If you aren't in church for the Sunday service but would like prayer, please contact us - the Holy Spirit can cope with a telephone call. Please don't worry or suffer alone.
Did you know?
Full online services have stopped as we can meet in church again, but we're continuing to publish short weekly videos. So if you want to listen to a sermon again, or are unable to join us in church, there'll be something online for you every Sunday.
Prayer for July
Almighty God, the giver of all good gifts, by your Holy Spirit you have appointed various orders of ministry in the Church: look with mercy on your servants now called to be deacons and priests; maintain them in truth and renew them in holiness, that by word and good example they may faithfully serve you to the glory of your name and the benefit of your Church; through the merits of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen
And finally
We hope you enjoyed this newsletter. If you have suggestions for things we can put in it please do get in touch.
Thanks for reading. God bless you all.
St Peter's Church, Birstall